Geometric ring with cognac-colored amber Mosaic 18.5


Stone dimensions (mm): 6×6
Product Weight (g): 3.5
Color: Cognac
Materials: Silver 925° / Natural amber / Gold plated
Ring Size (mm): 18.5

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A geometric ring named “Mosaic” with cognac-colored amber in size 18.5 can be a striking and visually captivating piece of jewelry. Cognac-colored amber offers warm and inviting hues, and the name “Mosaic” suggests a design that may incorporate geometric patterns or arrangements of amber pieces. Here’s how to create or select such a ring:

  1. Amber Selection: Choose high-quality cognac-colored amber with a rich and warm tone. Amber may also feature inclusions or patterns that enhance its beauty.
  2. Ring Design: Design the ring with a focus on geometric patterns or arrangements. Consider incorporating shapes like squares, triangles, or other geometric elements using the cognac amber pieces.
  3. Ring Setting: Select a metal setting, such as sterling silver, white gold, yellow gold, or rose gold, that complements the cognac amber’s color and enhances the geometric design. The setting should be designed to showcase the beauty of the amber and the geometric pattern.
  4. Ring Size: Ensure the ring is sized accurately to fit comfortably on the finger. A size 18.5 corresponds to a medium ring size.
  5. Handcrafted or Custom-Made: Consider having the ring handcrafted or custom-made to create a one-of-a-kind piece that perfectly captures the “Mosaic” theme.
  6. Certification: Seek certification from a reputable source to confirm the authenticity and quality of the cognac-colored amber used in the ring.
  7. Care Instructions: Provide care instructions to maintain the ring’s appearance, as amber is relatively soft and can be scratched if not handled carefully.
  8. Packaging: Present the ring in packaging that reflects the geometric and visually captivating nature of the “Mosaic” design.

A geometric ring named “Mosaic” with cognac-colored amber can be a versatile and eye-catching accessory suitable for special occasions or as a statement piece for everyday wear. The combination of the warm amber and the geometric design creates a visually captivating and distinctive effect.

When sourcing or purchasing such a ring, collaborate with a reputable jeweler or artisan experienced in working with amber and geometric designs to ensure the authenticity and quality of the cognac-colored amber and the craftsmanship of the “Mosaic” ring. This ensures that the ring truly captures the essence of its unique and visually captivating theme.